P-ISSN: 2223-9375; e-ISSN: 2308-4928; DOI: 10.18548/aspe
Original Research Papersshould report the results of an original research. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form. Including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 10000 words.
Review Articlesshould cover subjects within the scope of the journal that are from an actual scientific interest. Usually it is by invitation, but prospective, authors may contact the editors with proposals. Including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 10000 words.
Short Communications,short report from original investigation. Including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 6000 words.
Letters to the Editoroffering comments or useful critiques about published material in the journal are welcomed. The decision to publish letters submitted is up to the editors.